School Nurse
Lorinda Blew
Lorinda is a registered RN and joined us in 2021, and students like to call her Nurse Lorinda. She has many years of experience in a variety of areas of nursing and is extremely knowledgeable and caring with our students! She has lived in Middleton for over 20 years. Please feel free to reach out to her at the email address above with any questions or information that you may like to share about your student and their needs.
If your child needs to take medication while at school, please complete this form and return it to our nurse.
When to Keep Students Home from School:
Please reference our Parent-Student Handbook for details, but here are some general guidelines:
Coronavirus: Sage follows the CDC’s Recommendation regarding isolation for Covid-19, please reference their website for guidance on attendance if your student has tested positive.
Fever greater than 100.0 degrees: A fever lets us know that our body is fighting off an infection of some kid. We are contagious during this time and need rest. Students should be fever-free for at least 24 hours, without fever-reducing medication, before returning to school.
Vomiting and/or diarrhea: Students should stay home for 24 hours once these symptoms have improved.
Sore throat with a fever greater than 100.0 degrees: Students should stay home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. If they are diagnosed with Strep throat, then they should stay home until they have been taking antibiotics for at least 24 hours and are feeling better.
Excessive coughing that produces thick mucous: Students should stay home if they are coughing so much it keeps them from participating in class or disrupts their classmates, or they are coughing so hard it is causing vomiting.
Your school nurse is a great resource, please contact her at the email address listed above with any questions.